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Prince William Inherits Large Sum of Money from Princess Diana on His Birthday

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Royal Family News

Prince William Inherits Large Sum of Money from Princess Diana on His Birthday

, the Duke of Cambridge, has turned 39 years old today, making him the same age as his wife Kate and sister-in-law .

However, this birthday is particularly special for him as he inherited a vast sum of money from his mother, , on this occasion.

Diana had intended for her two sons, William and Harry, to receive their inheritance at the age of 25, but this was later changed to 30 years old.

Diana had around £20 million when she died, leaving £12,966,022 after inheritance tax of £8,502,330, to share between her two sons.

The estate consisted of stocks and shares, jewellery, dresses, other personal belongings, and cash from her £17 million divorce settlement.

William and Harry each received around £10 million when they turned 30, which was five years later than Diana had originally intended.


It was estimated that, with shrewd investment, the estate could have been worth around £20 million by the time William was eligible to inherit, meaning he would take half, which is £10 million, and the other half would be left for Harry.

Despite this large sum of money, William did not have a large celebration when he turned 30 in 2012.

St James Palace said at the time, “he'll be spending it in a low-key private fashion.”

It has not been confirmed how William will mark his birthday this year, but it is likely he will spend it with Kate and their three children, , , and .

Royal expert Katie Nicholl said she thinks the Duchess will pull out all the stops to ensure her husband feels appreciated on his birthday after a tough year for the royals.

Amidst the coronavirus lockdown and having to change how the firm is run to react to the pandemic, the Cambridges have also had to deal with the loss of Prince Philip and the ongoing fallout from and 's royal exit.

Ms Nicholl said, “Kate always makes birthdays and celebrations special for William and the children.

She's very much like her mother Carol in that respect.

She'll be aware that this has been a tough year for William and will want his birthday to be special for him.”

However, amidst all the celebrations, there seems to be some tension between William and his younger brother, Prince Harry.

According to Eat magazine, Harry's decision to pull out of attending Grandad Prince Philip's memorial and choosing to travel for the Invictus Games instead has apparently caused fresh strife between the brothers.

Sources claim that since Harry's latest snub, has ruled out the chance of extending any olive branches from his side, which include taking him off the invite list to his 40th birthday in June.

“William still loves Harry, that will never change, but his apparent insensitivity makes him persona non grata at the moment and it will take some miracle for that to change,” a source was quoted as saying.

Despite this, insiders privy to the matter have claimed that instead of waiting for Harry and Meghan Markle to decline his invitation, William will just not extend an invite altogether.

It is clear that the relationship between the brothers is strained, but only time will tell if they can reconcile.

In conclusion, Prince William's inheritance from on his birthday is a significant event in his life.

While he may have received a large sum of money, he is likely more focused on spending time with his family and celebrating with his loved ones.

The tension between him and his brother, Prince Harry, is unfortunate, but hopefully, they can work things out in the future.

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