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Queen Elizabeth II Makes Major Changes to the British Monarchy

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Royal Family News

Queen Elizabeth II Makes Major Changes to the British Monarchy

II has reportedly made some significant changes that will affect the members of the royal family, especially the future kings.

One of these changes is that will only rule the British monarchy until he turns 80 years old.

After that, he will be forced to abdicate and pass on the crown to Prince William.

According to sources, the Queen has decided that will not be crowned as Queen, despite all her efforts and support for Prince Charles.

Additionally, and Meghan Markle will allegedly be stripped of their royal titles.

The Queen remains in control and will continue to be until she takes her last breath.


The source claims that the Queen understands how unpopular Prince Charles is, and even though he has waited to become king for decades, she believes it won't benefit the crown to have him rule it for years.

As for , the Queen allegedly knows how toxic she is, and many issues arose after she and Prince Charles had an affair.

The Queen is also allegedly upset with and Markle for using their children as pawns to get back at her and the royal family.

Therefore, the Queen has decided to strip the former royal couple of their royal titles, and and Lilibet won't inherit royal titles.

At the end of the day, the Queen trusts only Prince William and because they are the future of the monarchy.

The Queen sees herself in the couple because she was also a young mother when she was thrust into her important role.

She has every confidence that William and Kate are the future, and she has made her wishes very clear with her final edicts.

Although the Queen may be gone, her iron-fisted rule will live on, according to the source.

Meanwhile, Sophie Wessex has been praised by a commentator for carrying out royal engagements below the radar.

Royal expert Richard Fitzwilliams said Sophie and her husband, Prince Edward, don't court publicity in any sense.

The low-key way the Earl and Countess of Wessex carry out their royal duties is so helpful to the monarchy.

Sophie has always been close to the Queen, and they share interests in common.

She carries out a large number of engagements, most of which are below the radar of all the publicity that can accompany these things.

The Wessexes are valuable members of the royal family, most especially of Cows as there are fewer senior working royals.

It is the fact that they don't court publicity in any sense.

What they want to do, and what they do, is a lot of charitable work, a lot of work that's supportive of the Queen.

And it's the way they carry out their duties that is so helpful to the monarchy.

There have been recent reports that the Wessexes are stepping up after the royals lost Prince Harry, Meghan Markle, and as working members.

Addressing the claims earlier this year, Edward told the Telegraph, “Well, we're flattered is probably the best way of putting it.”

Sophie added, “Inevitably the spotlight and the focus falls on younger members as time goes on.

We've plodded along doing what we're doing, hopefully doing it well.

And then all of a sudden, there's a bit of a hiatus, and things have changed a bit.

Naturally, the media are looking for people to fill the so-called void.

But you know, we have been doing this for what feels like a pretty long time.

If people want to pay more attention to what we're doing, then great because actually, that's got to be good for our organizations and the work that we are trying to carry out.”

In conclusion, II has made some major changes that will affect the members of the royal family, especially the future kings.

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