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Queen Elizabeth II Throws Tennis Racket at Prince Philip in Rare Display of Temper

Photos: GETTY

Royal Family News

Queen Elizabeth II Throws Tennis Racket at Prince Philip in Rare Display of Temper

It was a scene that stunned onlookers as Prince Philip charged through the front door of the royal couple's chalet, followed closely behind by a young and visibly enraged Queen who continued to hurl abuse as she chased him.

As the monarch continued to shout, she tossed a tennis racket and tennis shoes at her fleeing husband.

According to reports, the Queen then dragged Philip back into the chalet where they were staying and slammed the door shut.

The young Queen soon appeared reaffixed and apologetic, saying, “I'm sorry for that little interlude but, as you know, it happens in every marriage, now, what would you like me to do?”

The couple had been enjoying a weekend break on the shores of the O'Shannessy Reservoir in the Yarra Ranges of Victoria halfway through an eight-week tour of Australia back in March 1954.

It remains a mystery what sparked the great royal tantrum, but Australian camera crews are said to have handed over footage of the tempestuous row, which never resurfaced.


This is not the first time the world has been offered an insight into the monarch's fiery temper, and although the Queen is said to rarely lose her temper, when she does, she brooks no argument, according to royal insiders.

Her late private secretary, Lord Chaudoris, recalled a state visit by President Mbutu of Zaire, now the Democratic Republic of Congo, when his wife smuggled her dog through customs and into Buckingham Palace.

The pet was only discovered when Madame Mbutu demanded a steak from the palace kitchen's fourth dinner, and when the Queen heard about it through her staff, she retorted, “That dog is to be out of my house by three o'clock this afternoon,” according to royal author Robert Harbman in his book Our Queen.

The longest-reigning monarch was said to be enraged at being advised to fly the British flag at half-mast at Buckingham Palace after the death of , an honor reserved over a millennium only for reigning monarchs, a senior adviser said.

Despite the occasional outburst, II has been a beloved figurehead of the United Kingdom for more than six decades.

She will celebrate her platinum wedding anniversary with Prince Philip on November 20, marking 70 years of marriage.

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