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Growing Backlash Against Prince Harry in the US Over Endless Complaints

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Royal Family News

Growing Backlash Against Prince Harry in the US Over Endless Complaints

has been facing a growing backlash in the US following a series of media appearances.

Americans are increasingly fed up with Harry's endless complaining, especially considering he has more money than he knows what to do with.

This is according to Talcradio Royal correspondent Rupert Bell, who has been following the story closely.

The Duke of Sussex recently spoke with in a follow-up to his Apple TV show on mental health.

However, Talcradio host James Max suggested that there are only so many interviews you can do with Oprah before it becomes tedious and dull.

He questioned whether Meghan and Harry would be accused of almost burning too bright, given their numerous interviews.


Bell explained that America is a can-do society, and what they don't want to hear is someone endlessly feeling wronged.

Despite having a lot of money and making huge deals, Harry is overplaying his hand.

Americans are getting tired of it, especially the pops he is having at the royal family.

Continuously blaming them for everything is not going down well with the American public.

Every family has its faults, and the Americans are getting tired of Harry airing his dirty laundry in public.

Furthermore, they wonder whether he has further revelations or if he will start embellishing the truth even more than some people think he has already done.

Bell believes that this is where Americans might say enough is enough.

It is time for Harry to move on and start making money the way he wants, without constantly complaining.

If Harry has problems, he should go down the backstreets of Los Angeles to see people with real problems.

US conservative commentator Candace Owens sarcastically hit out at in the wake of his recent public appearances.

Ms. Owens joked that someone should check on and Prince Harry, as it had been three days since Prince Harry offered another exclusive interview regarding how much he and Meghan hate his family.

It is not just Owens who is tired of Harry's endless complaints.

Many Americans are growing weary of the constant interviews and revelations.

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