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Queen Elizabeth II’s Green Canopy initiative has been a tremendous success since its launch in May 2021.

Photos: GETTY

Royal Family News

Queen Elizabeth II’s Green Canopy initiative has been a tremendous success since its launch in May 2021.

Though the late monarch was unable to witness the incredible impact of the project, passing away in 2022, the initiative has overseen the planting of over three million trees, contributed to 30 urban planting projects in areas of social and environmental need, and has helped train over 70 young people in the green sector.

These are achievements that would have brought great pride to the late Queen.

Last night, in a touching tribute to his late mother, King Charles, who often referred to his mother as Darling Mama, released a message of thanks, along with a picture of him and son William planting one of the final trees of the project, an acer in the gardens of Sandringham House.

The King expressed his heartfelt thanks to everyone involved in the project and reflected on the passing of his mother and the trees that had been planted in her memory since September 2022.

It is evident that the project has had a profound impact on those who have been involved and it is a fitting tribute to the Queen’s 70-year reign.

Sir David Attenborough, a Queen’s Green Canopy Ambassador, planted a tree in Richmond Park to mark the end of the second planting season, emphasising the invaluable national legacy that the project has created for our children, future generations and the planet itself.

The project has shown how simple and practical and positive gestures can make a big difference.


A film was released detailing the story of the initiative through the people involved, narrated by Project Ambassador Dame Judy Dench.

The film highlighted the unique mosaic artwork created in the form of a green canopy, depicting the late Queen’s cypher E11R.

It was a poignant reminder of the Queen’s passion for tree planting and her dedication to environmental causes.

The Jubilee project may have come to an end, but the Queen’s Green Canopy Initiative will fund the planting of a specimen of tree in each of the ninety-eight lieutenancies across the UK later this year to mark the coronation of King Charles III.

This is a testament to the lasting impact of the project and its ability to create a positive change for future generations.

The Queen’s Green Canopy Initiative has brought people together from all walks of life to plant trees, improve the environment, and create a lasting legacy for the late Queen.

It has shown how simple actions can have a profound impact and is a fitting tribute to the Queen’s lifelong passion for tree planting and environmental causes.

The initiative has had a profound impact on those who have been involved.

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