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Oprah Winfrey and Gayle King: Where Are They Now?

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Royal Family News

Oprah Winfrey and Gayle King: Where Are They Now?

The silence of and Gayle King is deafening.

These two stalwart friends of and helped them escape their British Royal Family prison and monetize their titles.

But where are they now?

According to reports, Oprah is embarrassed that she gave them a platform and made herself look ridiculous.

Woman's Day reports that Winfrey turned on the couple after discovering they had lied to her during their meeting last year.

After the meeting, various media outlets rushed to hail several of the Sussexes' assertions as false.


As soon as those words began coming out, and Oprah discovered they'd either swelled or out and out equivocated to her, she was incensed and inside-sourced dished.

The newspaper focuses on ongoing discourse from Winfrey about not having various musketeers as validation of a fracture among her and the Sussexes.

It was partially direct remark towards Meg because until that point everybody in Oprah's circle expected she was amazingly close with Meghan.

Yet it appears to be that it has changed the bookmaker finishes up.

Meanwhile, Gayle King is worse because she became their mouthpiece.

She enjoyed speaking for them a little too much.

Now the silence from both of them speaks volumes.

They both look silly now, they've risked their reputations on a D-list actress and were taken in by her bullshit.

The cut interview happened because Meghan lost all her A-list supporters and isn't getting anywhere in America.

She wanted a televised interview instead of print but couldn't even book an appearance on Gayle's morning show.

The interview with Meghan that ran in the cut was quite negative about her.

The cut is part of New York Magazine, which is about as woke as you get in the mainstream US media, a fact that no doubt weighed heavily in the Sussex's camp decision to grant its journalist an audience.

Finally, someone and something with the marbles to take on the Marcles and beat them at their own game.

Among the bullseye quotes are ones about how cheesy Meghan lives in a marshmallow-y splendor, and describing the putrid princess as someone who sometimes converses like she has a tiny bachelor a producer in her brain directing what she says.

Get this, Meghan at one point suggests how the interviewer might transcribe the noises she's making.

You get the picture.

Meghan, a legend in her own mind, is no Picasso.

She isn't even at the level of finger painting.

The cut just called game, set, match, on me again and all that's left to say is what took so long.

Royal expert Richard Fitzwilliams tweeted, The interview Meghan gave of the cut was dreadful, and the comparison to Mandela's release was farcical.

She boasts she can say anything, but how is this implied threat consisting of healing?

What world does she inhabit?

In conclusion, the silence of and Gayle King speaks volumes about their relationship with and .

The couple has risked their reputations on a D-list actress who has lost all her A-list supporters.

The interview with Meghan that ran in the cut was quite negative about her, and it appears that finally, someone and something have the marbles to take on the Marcles and beat them at their own game.

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