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Prince William Offers a Guiding Hand to Queen Consort Camilla as Charles is Formally Appointed King

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Royal Family News

Prince William Offers a Guiding Hand to Queen Consort Camilla as Charles is Formally Appointed King

On Saturday morning, the Privy Council was extended, and was seen offering a steadying hand to his stepmother, Queen Consort .

After the recent death of II, both royals are adjusting to their new roles, and they were both present at the historic St James's Palace event.

At the ceremony, Charles was officially appointed King, and his two closest family members were among the witnesses who signed the proclamations.

As they entered the hall, the new Prince of Wales politely extended his arm behind his stepmother, the Queen Consort, and they were greeted by the Archbishop of Canterbury and numerous top government officials.

The heartwarming gesture showed that the pair had moved into a better stage in their relationship after years of difficult family issues that the heir has slowly moved past.

They stood behind the King as he made his personal declaration on Saturday morning, showing a united front despite years of heartache for , who struggled with the loss of his mother and acceptance of his new stepmother.


It was the touching moment when Prince William offered his stepmother, new Queen Consort, a guiding hand before she signed her husband's declaration, marking a new era for William and .

After years of a difficult relationship while his mother, , split from Charles in 1992 and later divorced in 1996, the hugely public breakdown of Charles and Diana's marriage also displayed the frosty relationship between the now Queen Consort and her stepson.

While William and Camilla's relationship was not easy at first, or for a number of years after her marriage to his father, he is closer with his stepmother now, especially after the loss of II.

According to the Daily Mail, a source said the new Prince of Wales's relationship with his father is better than it has ever been.

They said in February after the Queen announced Camilla's title when , now King Charles III, was to become sovereign.

Charles has effectively been acting as king since his mother, Elizabeth's death on Thursday.

But today's historic ceremony officially marked the beginning of his reign.

The first part of the council saw its leader, Penny Mordaunt, announce the passing of the Queen.

This was attended by council members, including Prime Minister Liz Truss and her living predecessors, such as Boris Johnson, Gordon Brown, and Theresa May.

After the first council was completed, the members moved through to a second room, where the king then arrived and made an oath to serve the country.

He then signed orders, with his two closest relatives acting as witnesses.

Later King Charles III made a personal declaration on the death of his beloved mother, Queen Elizabeth II, as Britain's new monarch was formally announced.

Paying tribute to the Queen at the accession council, the king said, “Her reign was unequalled in this duration, Its dedication and its devotion.

Even as we grieve, we give thanks for this most faithful life.”

Making his declaration, Charles III said, “My Lords, Ladies and Gentlemen, it is my most sorrowful duty to announce to you the death of my beloved mother, the Queen.

I know how deeply you, the entire nation, and I think I may say the whole world, sympathize with me in the irreparable loss we have all suffered.

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