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Queen Elizabeth II Mourns The Loss Of Her Husband Prince Philip

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Royal Family News

Queen Elizabeth II Mourns The Loss Of Her Husband Prince Philip

The world mourns the loss of Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh, who passed away peacefully on Friday morning at Windsor Castle.

He was 99 years old.

The Queen's husband had been in poor health for months, but his passing still came as a shock to many.

The monarch is said to be heartbroken and devastated after losing her beloved husband of 73 years.

Prince Edward and his wife Sophie Wessex were seen arriving at Windsor Castle in a blue Land Rover Discovery at 11 am on Saturday and spent around an hour with the Queen.

As the couple left and drove through crowds outside the castle, Sophie had tears in her eyes as she said her mother-in-law, the Queen, has been amazing.


, who lives in Windsor Castle's grounds, was also seen arriving at 10 am.

The Queen and Prince Philip's youngest child Prince Edward was the first to arrive to support his mother again today, having made the short trip from his Surrey home.

stayed with the Queen until late last night.

The Queen is thought to have been at the bedside of her beloved husband of 73 years, Prince Philip, when he passed away peacefully at Windsor Castle yesterday morning after becoming gravely ill late on Thursday.

According to Closer Weekly, a Royal insider said, “the Queen is absolutely heartbroken.

Engagements have been cancelled whilst she mourns,” the source said shortly after Philip's death was announced.

Even though Philip had been in poor health for months, it has still come as a shock, the insider added.

Meanwhile, the source said, the Queen has been in contact with the couple's four children, , , Princess Anne, , as well as grandson , who are all devastated.

Prince Andrew was the first son to get to the castle to console the Queen, and he was joined by Edward and then Charles.

Following a flurry of police activity at around 10.40 am, Andrew, who lives closest at Royal Lodge on the Windsor Estate, arrived at the back entrance to the Elizabeth's private apartments.

By 11.15 am, another family member believed to be Edward had also arrived to be by his mother's side.

Prince Charles, facing a longer journey from Highgrove, his Gloucestershire estate, got to Windsor by Friday afternoon.

Charles and his father Philip have not always had the smoothest relationship, but a Daily Mirror source said the oldest son was comforted by the fact they had been in regular contact recently and said all the things that needed to be said.

They added he was the only family member who was able to visit him in hospital, and he was at Windsor as recently as the week before last.

They spoke a great deal.

Friends also said they had been getting on well recently.

One said the idea that their relationship was strained, certainly in recent years, couldn't have been further from the truth, and that's an important thing to remember in all that is being written.

There was a genuine love, affection and understanding there, which is all anyone holds dear at the end.

Prince Philip passed away just shy of his 100th birthday, and it was a shock even to many of the royal staff who felt he was still strong.

A source told the Daily Telegraph, “it was a surprise, even though he had been in ill health.

I think there was a sense that the Iron Duke would keep on going and make it to his 100th, but sadly it wasn't to be.”

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