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Prince William Heartbroken and Shocked by Brother’s Behavior Towards Queen Elizabeth

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Royal Family News

Prince William Heartbroken and Shocked by Brother’s Behavior Towards Queen Elizabeth

is reportedly heartbroken and genuinely shocked by his brother's behavior towards their grandmother, II.

This comes after the Queen removed and 's royal patronages and military titles on Friday, almost a year after they stepped down as working royals.

Buckingham Palace released a statement saying that it was not possible for the Duke and Duchess of Sussex to continue with the responsibilities and duties that come with a life of public service.

Despite this, a spokesperson for Harry and Meghan later stated that they would continue to support the organizations they have represented regardless of their official role, saying that service is universal.

However, sources close to the monarch have claimed that was stunned by his brother's response to the Queen, which they described as petulant and insulting.

One source even told the Sunday Times, “Don't disrespect your granny, Harry.


You don't answer the Queen back.

It's just not done.”

The family members were also reportedly stunned by the tone of Harry and Meghan's reply, which directly addressed the Queen's claim that the pair can no longer be of public service.

An aide said that William was left missing his brother after he got over the anger of how things happened.

The aide added, “Once he got over the anger of how things happened, he was left with the absence of his brother.

They have shared everything about their lives, an office, a foundation, meetings together most days, and there was a lot of fun along the way.

He'll miss it forever.”

William's friends have also expressed their sympathy for him, with one friend stating that he definitely feels the pressure now that everything is on him.

Another friend said, “I know things are desperately sad and bad, but when the chips are down, those brothers will be there for each other.”

However, Dean Scott, a former Special Forces soldier who has been friends with Harry for 12 years, claimed that the couple's comment had been taken out of context.

He said that their remark that service is universal should be taken within the context of their charity work.

According to him, they are a modern couple who like to do things differently, so they see that they can still do a service, but in their own way.

The Queen's announcement marked the end of a year-long trial of the Sussexes stepping back from royal duties.

It comes just before the couple filmed an interview with , which is expected to be broadcast on March 7.

A source said that the interview was the loudest way for the Duchess to get her voice back.

Another source told the Times that when they first started dating, Meghan felt she had lost her voice.

She had had a platform as a moderately successful actress, and when she was told to stop using her social media and be careful what she said, she felt that loss of voice and independence pained her.

In conclusion, Prince William is heartbroken and shocked by his brother's behavior towards II.

The family members were stunned by the tone of Harry and Meghan's reply, which directly addressed the Queen's claim that the pair can no longer be of public service.

Despite this, Harry and Meghan have stated that they will continue to support the organizations they have represented regardless of their official role.

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